Friday, October 12, 2007

Another pro-nuker wins another Nobel Peace Prize...

October 12th, 2007

Dear Readers,

Ho Hum. Today, pro-nuker Al Gore won the Nobel Peace Prize for his environmental charade. He shares it with the UN's IPCC (International Panel on Climate Change).

A few years ago (2005) the International Atomic Energy Agency -- pro-nukers in all possible ways, as long as they get to watch -- received the "prestigious" award.

In 2002, ex nuclear-navy reactor operator Jimmy Carter won the Nobel Peace Prize. Carter was President during the Three Mile Island accident and toured that facility to prove it was safe (it wasn't). He campaigned on the promise that we would only use nuclear power "as a last resort," only to get into office and -- ho hum -- declare that "we are down to our last resorts" because the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) raised the price of a barrel of oil a couple of bucks (to about 1/4 of what it is now).

Extreme pro-nuker Mikhail Gorbachev, former President of the Soviet Union, won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1990 (probably nobody has done more damage to the earth through radiation poisoning than the Russians).

In 1967, Japanese Prime Minister Sato received the Nobel Peace prize when he decided Japan would never possess, create, or import nuclear weapons. But they have over 50 nuclear power plants, which poison their land, air, and water every day, and could result in "Genpatsu-Shinsai" (a meltdown caused by an earthquake) any day.

On the plus side, the Pugwash movement was the Nobel Peace Prize winner in 1995, and Dr. Helen Caldicott is a past Nobel Peace Prize nominee (a movie about her, If You Love This Planet, won an Academy Award for best documentary in 1983). However, Dr. Caldicott was not a Nobel Peace Prize winner, and Harvey Wasserman, who ALSO should have won it by now, hasn't even been nominated (and nor was John Gofman or Alice Stewart, both dead now, nor many others who deserve such honors for speaking out against the nuclear madness that infects the planet).

The International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War received the 1985 Nobel Peace Prize for educating the public about the dangers of nuclear weapons. But what about the dangers of attacking nuclear power plants WITH nuclear weapons (or with conventional weapons)? Dr. Bennett Ramberg warned us about THAT in his book, Nuclear Power Plants as Weapons for the Enemy: An Unrecognized Military Peril (1985), but never received proper recognition for it -- such as a Nobel Peace Prize.

In 1992 Dr. John W. Gofman won the Right Livelihood Award, an alternative to the Nobel Peace Prize. Drs. Rosalie Bertell and Alice Stewart received the award in 1986. Amory Lovins, who usually can't quite bring himself to speak out definitively against nuclear power, but beats around the bush regularly, won the Right Livelihood Award along with his wife Hunter Lovins (both of whom founded the Rocky Mountain Institute) in 1983. (Each year about half a dozen people and / or organizations receive the award.)

50 years ago, Senator Al Gore (Al Gore's dad) was on a committee promoting the use of nuclear energy in space, and was also pushing nukes on land and sea. Like father, like son.

What's the world coming to? Nuclear death by radioactive poison gas, that's what! I had cancer earlier this year (bladder cancer). About 1/3 of all humans will get cancer, and MOST of those will die of it. The rates of numerous other diseases caused by radiation are going up, up, UP. There is no "Nobel Environmental Prize" but obviously Al Gore would have won that this year, if there was one. Once again they've made the Nobel Peace Prize the equivalent of the Nobel Environmental Prize, and failed to give it to someone who's trying to stop war. Instead, they've given it to a pro-nuker -- again.

Al Gore is a liar. The Nobel Peace Prize is soiled -- again.


Ace Hoffman
Carlsbad, CA

A look back at the Nobel Peace Prize being given to pro-nukers, and a review of Al Gore's pro-nuclear ties (from previous newsletters):

From 1999:
We are sick of your lies, Mr. President. And Mr. Vice President Al Gore, we are sick of your lies too. Right the wrongs about the environment, Mr. Gore. Tell the truth about radiation, Mr. Gore. Tell us the things your father never told us. Do not perpetuate his lies about nuclear space policies any more!

(Includes a piece about Dr. Rosalie Bertell on DU weapons used in Yugoslavia)

From 2002:
The website of the Nuclear Energy Institute includes a page of �Endorsements of Nuclear Energy� and among those quoted are Al Gore: �Nuclear power, designed well, regulated properly, cared for meticulously, has a place in the world�s energy supply,� he is reported to have said.

From March 22nd, 2005:
======================================= (also published in CounterPunch and elsewhere)

IAEA and its head, Mohamed ElBaradei, share the Nobel Peace Prize -- only giving it to the DOE, the NRC, or the nuclear industry itself would be more ridiculous!

From February 26th, 2007:

Date: Mon, 26 Feb 2007 22:33:46 -0800

From: "Russell 'Ace' Hoffman" <>
Subject: Al Gore wins an Academy Award for acting like an
environmentalist -- but it's just acting; he's really a pro-nuker!

February 26th, 2007

Dear Readers,

Last night was the 79th Academy Awards (Oscars) where the motion picture industry honors its members for great acting.

And if you watched the Academy Awards last night, you saw Al Gore acting like an environmentalist. But don't be fooled -- it's just acting.

There's a lot of nuclear power promotion masquerading as environmentalism, and Al Gore's movie is no exception. His support for the theory of Global Warming comes at a price no one should have to pay: We will all be irradiated by the results of his (secret) pro-nuclear agenda.

Perhaps the truth about nuclear power is just TOO INCONVENIENT for Al Gore, hence, it's not discussed in his Academy Award-winning documentary.

Radiation is mentioned only once, and then, he is only talking about solar radiation. Nuclear power is mentioned only once, and he's only talking about his trip under the Arctic Ice in a nuclear-powered submarine. And nuclear weapons are mentioned only once, for their shock value.

The closest the movie comes to talking about commercial nuclear power is during the credits, when viewers are told to ask their utilities for "renewable" and "green" energy.

Global warming is happening, but watch out for this man -- his solution is worse. The inconvenient truth about Al Gore is that he's a big, fat liar.


Ace Hoffman
Carlsbad, CA

From February 27th, 2007:

To back up my comments in the previous newsletter, here are some clips and quotes from the past decade, indicating Al Gore's pro-nuclear stance and his reluctance to admit it.

From March 3rd, 2007:

A rude, erroneous, and libelous flaming email from a former member of the United States House of Representatives (defending Al Gore).

From March 22nd, 2007:

Al Gore is a master of dishonesty, and knows how to tell big lies to Congress (and to the American People). He states the he "assumes" that we will "solve the waste problem." He claims to be "from Tennessee and immune to radiation." (He was actually born in Washington, D.C..)